Thursday, May 28, 2015

5 Tips for Summer Travel

School is almost out and summer is about to be upon us! Not surprisingly, most people take a vacation during this time of the year. With tons of people traveling, the airport's can get a little hectic and stress levels may be high! Check out our list of tips on how to survive traveling to your summer vacation destination:

1. Shoes Off! Well, for TSA scanning, that is! TSA is generally stressful, but can become even more of a burden with the entire family in tow. Before you reach the TSA agents, remove your shoes, take out all liquids etc. Being prepared before you reach the front of the line will help ensure a smooth process.

2. Bend the Rules. Traveling with the kids? We can almost guarantee that you are going to stray from their normal daily routine...and that's okay! Instead of stressing about a missed bedtime, look on the positive side and go with the flow. The kiddos and your mind will thank you!

3. Fly Mid-Week. Want to beat the crowds? [Who doesn't?!] Try and schedule your flights mid-week and enjoy less crowded flights. Stuck leaving on a weekend? Don't fret! See if any flights leave early in the morning, or later in the evening as these are also fantastic times to fly.

4. Call your Bank. Nothing is worse than being stuck away from home with a frozen bank account because you forgot to call and let your company know you are using your credit card out of the state/country. Do this early [now!] before you forget during the bustle of planning your trip!

5. Make Photocopies! Make multiple copies of your passport, ID, flight information etc. to keep on your person in addition to the real thing. Scan these documents and email them to yourself so that you are always able to access them in the event you lose the originals.

Do you really want to stress less this summer? Make your free online reservation for Houston Airport parking with Rocket Parking and save time and money!

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