Thursday, February 12, 2015

5 Winter Car Care Tips

We can imagine it now: you are sitting on your computer or tablet and you are scoffing at this title. "We barely even get that much snow in Texas," you say! While this may be true, many people travel up north during the winter for work, family, pleasure etc. If you will be driving in the snow this winter, check out these five tips to keep your car in tip top shape:
  1. Clean the inside of your windshield with shaving cream. Seriously! Not only will shaving cream clean your window, it will aid in preventing fog and moisture buildup. The less you have to run the defroster, the better!
  2. Unfreeze your keys. Sticking your car keys into an almost certainly frozen car door lock will open the door to a whole bunch of potential problems! Keys may break or the lock may be too frozen to even turn! To remedy this, keep a lighter handy and warm your key before trying to insert it. In a pinch, hand sanitizer will help unfreeze as well.
  3. Cover your window. Scraping your windshield can be a hassle. Save yourself the trouble by purchasing old drop clothes, a rug, or any type of thick material and placing it over your windshield. When you are ready to leave, simply yank the cloth off your windshield and all of the pesky snow will come off too! 
  4. Stuck? Use cardboard! Weather your car is stuck in the slushy mud at home, work, or the grocery store, cardboard boxes should be nearby. Place a flattened cardboard box in front of your wheels and your car will make it to safety a lot easier.
  5. Face east. When possible, park your car facing an easterly direction. Since the sun rises from the east, you will have a little help from nature's heat in starting the unfreezing process on those cold winter mornings. 
Leave your car in the care of Rocket Parking as you head for the snowy tundra's of the north! We want to make your Houston Airport Parking experience as hassle-free as possible! 

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