Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Make Travel Less Stressful

                        How to Make Travel Less Stressful

With delayed flights from Houston Bush Intercontinental Airport, bad directions, and lost bags, sometimes it feels like you need a vacation from your vacation! Take a look at a few of these suggestions for staying cool and calm on your next trip!

·         Snap a digital photo of anywhere you repeatedly go. This will lessen any misunderstanding you might have with, for example, a cab driver in a foreign country.

·         Purchase duplicates of your favorite products. Having cosmetic items already set aside will making packing that much easier and forgetting something less likely.

·         Share a suitcase with your traveling partner. Half of your stuff goes into their luggage and half of their stuff goes into yours. This way, neither person is stuck without clothes if someone’s bag is lost by the airline.

·         Plot out an intricate budget for each vacation. This way you can avoid over spending and already have funds allocated accordingly before even leaving for your trip.

·         Make a spreadsheet that lists your must-see sights.  Add times and admission fees so you don’t miss a destination you want to see.

·         Always bring familiar foods. Just in case the menu is difficult, you will always have a backup.

·         Pack belongings in a clear plastic storage bag. This way the TSA will be able to see everything in your carry-on and your stuff won’t be handled.

·         Go to the Laundromat during your vacation. If you will be gone for a long time wash some of your clothes on vacation and avoid hours of housework when you return home.

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