Thursday, August 29, 2013

Travel Secret: Where to Find Outlets in the Airport

We have all been there; those moments at the airport when your phone or computer battery dies and you still have a 3 hour wait just to board your flight. Even worse, outlets have become one of the most difficult things to find in an airport! Follow these easy travel tips to locate some secret outlets that are hidden in the void that is the busy Busch Intercontinental Houston Airport:

·         Surprise! Sometimes power outlets are hidden under a group of pay phones! Since almost everyone has a cell phone these days, hit up these hidden gems and charge your technology in peace.

·         Watch out for the maintenance workers. Their vacuums/carpet cleaners etc. have to be plugged in somewhere! Follow the power cord to find out!

·         Find an airport bar. Yes, the kind with liquor since the “work stations” will most likely be overrun with other travelers. Ask the bartender if there is an outlet you can use. He/she will usually oblige.

·         If you need to get a quick charge on your phone but do not have a lot of time, restrooms, especially women’s, usually have outlets near the counter. This short charging time will at least give you a boost until you can find a more convenient place.

·         Finally, if all else fails, try and remember to pack a small power strip in your personal item carry on. If there are only a few outlets you can plug in the power strip and people will be able to share.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Booking Direct is Better!

Chances are you have heard about seemingly convenient websites such as What could be better than having a website that weeds through all your different options for travel and parking and then comes back with the best results? Turns out, there are more downsides to third party sellers than you may think. Read on to find out a few reasons why you may want to consider booking directly from the airline/parking lot itself.

Ø  Direct Booking does not cost you anything upfront. Unlike purchasing from a third party vendor where oftentimes you must pay upfront, booking directly lets you reserve a spot at no cost to you and then pay later!

Ø  No deposit fee. Booking with a middle-man agency will often require a deposit that will NOT be refunded if you cancel your reservation or just don’t show up. If you book direct, you are not required to pay a deposit and serve no penalty for not showing up.

Ø  You can lose your receipt. When you book direct your information is automatically entered into the host companies systems. You can easily be looked up and are not required to bring a receipt. If you lose your receipt when using a third party booking agency, you will likely lose your deposit as well as the right to the cheaper price you paid online.

Ø  No service fee. By booking direct, you save money by avoiding service and handling fees.

Do yourself a favor and save money today by booking direct with Rocket Parking